Tabernacle Baptist Church exists to glorify the God of the Scriptures
Senior Pastor
Read the short curriculum vitae of pastor Alexandre
Assistant Pastor
Read the short curriculum vitae of pastor Celestin
Pastor of Adolescent& College Ministry
Read the short curriculum vitae of pastor Romain
Discipleship Ministry
Read the short curriculum vitae of pastor Estime
Evangelism and Mission
Read the short curriculum vitae of pastor Charles
TBC is a reformed church in the modern time in the Haitian milieu. It was established in November 1997 in response to a desperate need for a Bible Teaching, Bible-centered church in the Community. There were several "spiritual revivals" throughout the various churches. Fundraising tactics were disguised under "spiritual activities." However, there was a lack of emphasis on spiritual growth, living to glorify the Lord, or committing to honor the Lord. In addition, the gospel was being replaced with a social, faith healing, prosperity, name-it-and-claim-it movement. Bible doctrines were being discarded to give way to false unity based on compromising Biblical truths and Christian living. Biblical teaching on Church discipline, marriage, and divorce was almost non-existent. True worship was replaced with entertainment. Language barriers and differences caused the families to be segregated during Sunday morning worship. The testimony and the credibility of the leadership of the church were being questioned. As a result, many disgruntled church attendees had grown tired of the status quo. Many had decided to abandon the Haitian congregations. Still others have become increasingly complacent and accustomed to spiritual mediocrity. However, there was a remnant group who felt completely fed up and they cried unto the Lord. The Lord heard their cries with the opening of Tabernacle Baptist Congregation. TBC was inaugurated on November 16, 1997, with a sermon that articulated the primary motivation of its founders and pioneers. The Fear of God and the Love of Christ, taken from 2 Corinthians 2:10 and 14
575 American Legion Hwy, Roslindale, MA 02131
tel: 1 617 323 3107
If you are visiting our state, we would love for you to worship with us. Please see the address above, or the Map for direction to join us in Worship every Sunday morning at 10:45 AM Eastern Time.
Tabernacle Baptist Congregation exists to glorify the God of the Scriptures. God exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, John 14:26). They are identical in essence and divine perfection, but they play distinct and harmonious roles. This is known as the Trinity. He created the universe by the power of His Words. Humanity is depraved and unable to save themselves. For this reason we take seriously Jesus' call to evangelism and missionary work.
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and that the Bible is the Divinely inspired word of God that serves as the final written authority for living out the Christian faith. (2 Timothy 3:16)Jesus Christ is 100% man and 100% God, He died, put into the tomb and resurected 3 days later and He is coming back to take the saints with Him, then comes the great tribulation and the final Judgement of humanity.
We are committed to serve and honor God by:* Maintaining and promoting His Worship both individuallyand corporately* Edifying His saints through the proclamation (i.e. preaching and teaching) of the Word through the fellowship and accountability of believers through discipleship* Evangelizing sinners to bring them to salvation * Defending the faith which was once delivered to the saints.
Heaven is real, Jesus Christ is gone to prepare a place for his selects and He will come back to us with him, so whereever He is so will His saints be. (1st John 3:2)