"...Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16)
is to promote, through age-appropriate Bible teaching and training, the spiritual, emotional, and social growth of children. The Ministry supports and works with parents to create a nurturing environment conducive to spiritual and social development of children. The members of the Ministry pursue the following goals:Lead and guide the children to the Lord Jesus-Christ by:· Instilling in them the love for the word of God· Teaching them to love God with all their hearts, souls and thoughts· Guiding them in the knowledge and practice of biblical principlesFoster the children’s social development through different activities, such as:· Children’s Weekend bible study· Bowling Events· (2nd and 3rd) Sunday worship services · Vacation Bible School
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Children MinistryStaff members
The purpose of youth ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Congregation is to fulfill the congregation's vision by developing Christ-like character in its youth. The ministry aims to guide young individuals in becoming leaders on their spiritual journey through a range of activities organized on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Some of these activities include:Weekly Bible Study Every Friday nightLed by our Youth Pastor, Fred RomainTime: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Monthly Fellowship for Youths Every 3rd Sunday Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Monthly Birthday Celebration or Movie Night Every fourth Friday Annual Retreat Held in July Annual Youth Ministry Anniversary Celebration Held in March Annual Youth Ministry Valentine’s Day Celebration Held in February Annual Youth Ministry Christmas Celebration Held in December
The primary goal of the Young Adult Ministry is to promote the spiritual and personal growth of the young adults of the Church. Most of the members of this Ministry are in a delicate phase in their life, where they have to make crucial decisions about marriage and career. The Ministry aims at helping them keep a biblical perspective while they are pondering those decisions.The Young Adult Ministry organizes regular meetings on Sunday afternoons of each month. They also have an annual retreat and other regular activities.
The mission of the Men Ministry is to disciple men into becoming men of God and go forth to serve Christ as Christian husbands, fathers, and pillars of the Church. Its goal is to provide biblical teaching to men so they can develop godly character, to equip them with biblical instructions so they can lead their family in the Lord, and to encourage them to bind with other men in fellowship and prayer. The Ministry core members organize various activities to realize their mission. They have a monthly prayer service, an annual conference, and an annual retreat. The annual retreat gives the men of the Church the opportunity to spend time, apart from families and responsibilities, devoted to learning, fellowship, and training. From these retreats, they return to their families refreshed, encouraged, and motivated to live for the Lord, to help one another, and to influence the world around them.
The Women Ministry, with its famous logo WOC WAC (Women of Character, Wisdom, and Conviction), aims at creating a Christian environment that promotes spiritual growth of every woman of the Church in her walk and relationship with the Lord, and emotional growth in her relationship with her husband, her children, and the Christian community. To fulfill its mission, the Ministry organizes various activities, such as: Monthly prayer meeting, which happens every third Saturday of the month, motivates the TBC women to remain close to the Lord and, at the same time, support each other by sharing a moment of prayer. Prayer chain meeting, which promotes the use of the telephone in a way worthy of godly servants, creates spiritual connection and strengthens the fellowship among the Church sisters. Each sister has a prayer partner with whom she prays on a daily or weekly basis.
Annual retreat, conferences, and workshops, which cover well-chosen spiritual themes and topics, bring enrichment to the roles of TBC women as spouses, mothers, and sisters. The Staff of the Ministry also provides assistance, visits, and support to all TBC members or families facing illness, death, birth, hospitalization, and moral and financial hardship.
The mission of the Ushering Ministry is to facilitate an atmosphere of worship that reflects the holiness and awesome character of God, by inspiring and maintaining an environment of discipline, and by ministering to God’s people. The members of the Ushering Ministry assure order in all TBC services. From welcoming people at the door to seating them properly, the ushers are always there to assist in all aspects of the services.
The Social Action Ministry (SAM) oversees the organization of all events and activities in the Church. SAM plays a key role in planning and putting together member-wide activities, such as staff fellowship, family outing, Easter services, and TBC Anniversary. In addition, SAM plays a support role in the activities organized by the other ministries, such as couple’s banquet, Youth Ministry Anniversary, Men’s conference, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day celebrations, etc. The members of this Ministry create and maintain a joyful and inspiring atmosphere in all TBC gatherings. Their attention to details in all aspects of the activities, whether decorating, cooking, or entertaining, reflects a genuine pursuit of excellence. They are always the first to be there, and the last to leave. In TBC events, while everybody is enjoying a good time, SAM members are working hard to make sure that everything goes on as planned.